Pecan Pie Muffins

All of the flavours of Pecan Pie Muffins in muffins that are so easy to make! The perfect way to enjoy pie for breakfast?

Pecan pie is one of my favourites so when I came across this idea for pecan pie muffins on pinterest a while ago I knew that I would have to make them! I mean you can’t really go wrong taking the flavours of pecan pie and placing them in muffin form where you can eat them for breakfast! Pecan pie for breakfast! The recipe is so simple with only five ingredients and they only take about 30 minutes so you can easily make them any day of the week. These pecna pie muffins get nice and crispy on the outside but they are moist and tender on the inside, just like a pecan pie; yum!


Pecan Pie Muffins
Pecan Pie Muffins
Pecan Pie Muffins
Pecan Pie Muffins


2/3 cup unsalted butter
1 cup packed brown sugar


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