Lemon Cardamom Poppy Seed Twists

You guys! Two recipe posts in one night… This might be a new record for me. Can I get a hell yeah!?

It’s the middle of the night and I am wide awake – which is SO unlike me. Truth be told, I am usually dozing off on the couch by 9:00pm (seriously). So the fact that I am still up right now is nothing short of a miracle and purely because I am just drunk with happiness from the events of this past evening.

So why am I so happy? This evening I was invited to the Spring / Summer menu tasting at the amazing new West Village Cafe, and it every moment of it was pure bliss.

Not only is the cafe just completely lovely in itself; But every single item they brought out for us to taste from the new menu was nothing short of spectacular. With every bite, I could taste the passion and dedication that went into each carefully crafted creation. It was enough to make me want to stay there forever.

There is something so special about food that is prepared with genuine love and care, that brings people together to enjoy and savor the simple moments in life. It’s that warm and fuzzy feeling that never fails to inspire me to keep baking, and creating new things that will hopefully bring joy to people.

So for anybody who is reading this, and living in the greater Vancouver area or anybody who is coming to visit; I would highly recommend paying the lovely people at West Village Cafe a visit. You will not be disappointed.

So in the spirit of being inspired to try new things; I just couldn’t wait another minute to share the recipe for these Lemon Poppy Seed Cardamom Twists with you all.

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