Flan Parisien

Hello everything is fine?
Today’s recipe is one of the simplest desserts in the world: a crispy crust [which can be made from puff pastry, brisée pastry or sablée pastry] filled with pastry cream, which is the most famous base recipe in classic cuisine. I personally love pastry cream! But it has to be homemade, with whole milk, fresh yolks [if they are made from free-range eggs, the cream is even more beautiful!], sugar, starch, butter and real vanilla. None of those mango yellow creams made from milk [or water, believe me] and ready mix, so common in bakeries, or the lazy and excessively sweet version, without yolks and with condensed milk, which appear time and again in the “super easy recipes” that we see it there.
In addition to being simple, today’s recipe is also one of the oldest and most popular desserts in the world! Present on the tables of medieval nobility [including at banquets of French kings] the cream pie is present in the cuisine of practically every country in the old world, from the English Custard Tarts [lightened on top, less sweet and thickened with egg yolks], through our old familiar Portuguese Pastel de Belém [served in individual portions and with a puff pastry crust], the covered cream tarts [like pies] called Pasticciotti in Italy, to the delicate Chinese Dan Ta . 
The French variant of the cream pie, called Flan Parisian or Flan Pâtissier, is my favorite because it combines important qualities, such as the burnt surface, which gives a special caramelized touch to the flavor, with ease in execution – it is much easier to make a pastry brisée or sablée pie, than making puff pastry at home to use as a base, right? I hope you like it too.

Ah, an important observation: I baked my Flan Parisian in a 20cm diameter and 7cm high pan because I think the result looks prettier, but you can use wider and lower pans without any problems.

Flan Parisien

Ingredients for the brisée dough:
250g of wheat flour;
125g cold butter, chopped into cubes;
1 pinch of salt;
4 tablespoons of water;
2 yolks.
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