Easy small batch ciabatta rolls are fluffy and airy with a perfect crunchy, crackly crust. They take only 10 minutes to prepare and require no kneading.

Easy small batch ciabatta rolls are fluffy and airy with a perfect crunchy, crackly crust. They take only 10 minutes to prepare and require no kneading. |


1 teaspoon instant yeast
240 grams water, at room temperature (approximately 1 cup)
300 grams all-purpose flour (approximately 2.5 cups)
1 teaspoon salt


Prepare the Dough (1 hour rise time):

In small cup, dissolve instant yeast in lukewarm water and stir to mix together (the mixture should start to bubble and develop a yeasty aroma). Let it sit for 2 minutes.
In a large bowl, add flour and salt. Pour in yeast mixture and whisk until fully combined, scraping down the sides of the bowl (there should be no dry flour particles visible). The mixture is very sticky and wet, with an 80% hydration (flour to water ratio).
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it sit at room temperature for 1 hour (Note that a higher room temperature will speed up the fermentation process and will cause the dough to rise faster).

Stretch and Fold the Dough (1.5 hour rise time):

Apply some water onto your hands and stretch and fold the dough in the bowl by folding the edges into the centre, one edge at a time. Wet hands make it easier to work with the dough and it should take you less than a minute to fold all 4 sides. Cover with plastic wrap and let the dough rest for 30 minutes.
Repeat this stretch and fold step, then cover with plastic wrap and let the dough rest for another 30 minutes. Then, repeat the stretch and fold step a final time and let it rest for another 30 minutes. After 3 rounds of stretch and folds with 30 minute resting periods, the dough will rise and approximately double in size.

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