Everyone’s favorite breakfast pastry can now be yours and freshly baked! These Easy Homemade Pop Tarts with pie crust are simple to toss together and more delicious than store bought!


Allow your pie crust to become room temperature. (I use the pie crust that is in circles.) Stack the two layers of pie crust on top of each other and cut the round section off of the side you plan to start on. I love using a pizza cutter for this. Whatever tool works best for you! (step 1)
Using a cutout of a rectangle (approximately 3 inches by 4 – 5 inches) the dough into rectangles and set aside. Pull all of the scraps together and then roll this dough out into about a 1/4 inch layer and cut out remaining rectangles. I actually like to use a biscuit or cookie cutter for the remaining scraps sometimes and make other shapes. Whatever you prefer! (steps 2 and 3)

Rolled pie crust with pizza cutter.

Line the bottom layers of the pop tarts on a parchment lined baking pan. (I only placed 4 on mine to help show the images more clearly). (step 4)
Place approximately one and a half tablespoons of jam or preserves in the center of each pie rectangle. You do not need to spread the jam out but just make sure it’s somewhat even. (step 5)
In a small bowl, whisk the egg well for the egg wash. Using a brush, spread the egg wash on the edges of each rectangle around the jam. (step 6)

Pastry lined up on parchment lined baking pan.

Lay the top layer of each pop tart. (step 7)
Using your fingers, crimp together the edges of each pastry to make the two layers into one. This is the key step in my opinion of these homemade pop tarts. The more you can crimp the layers together so that they are fully integrated, the less likely you are to have jam pop out of the edges in any way. (steps 8 and 9)

Pie crust in rectangles being pinched together.

Using a fork, crimp the edges of each pop tart once again. This gives these the perfect pastry look but also is another way to really seal these together.

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