The Best Weird Trick For Deodorizing Something You Can’t Wash

For example, I try to avoid washing my rugs too frequently because I’ve found that the backing eventually starts to peel away after a certain number of washes. So cat litter is a great option for keeping those types of items fresh between washes!

Eliminate Odors

Here are some other things you could deodorize with the help of cat litter:

Furniture cushions
Heirloom quilts
Pet beds

Here’s how it’s done, so you can try this method at home for yourself!

How To Use Cat Litter To Eliminate Odors

Eliminate Odors

You’ll need:

Cat litter (any odor-eliminating variety will work)
Large trash bags


Eliminate Odors

Take the item that you want to deodorize and put it into a large, sturdy trash bag.

Eliminate Odors

Pour a generous amount of cat litter into the trash bag. (You can’t really add “too much” cat litter to the bag. Use at least a few cups of litter, or more for larger items.)

Eliminate Odors

Tie the trash bag so it is sealed up tightly, and let it sit for 1-2 days, or up to a week. (If your item really smells, leave it alone for a full week.)

When the wait is up, remove the item from the bag and shake off any excess cat litter. Then use your vacuum to remove any lingering litter dust, and you’re done! The item should smell fresh and clean.

Eliminate Odors

So there you have it! I just want to give another quick shout-out to Caroline for sharing this brilliant tip with us. I’ve already benefited from learning about it, and I’m sure you will find it just as useful! 🙂



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