No-Bake Ferrero Rocher Dessert Cups

Step 2:
In a bowl, add 1 cup of whipping cream, 1 tablespoon of Nutella, and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Mix until well combined. Next, whisk until stiff peaks. Put the mixture into a piping bag and squeeze it into the cups for the second layer.

No-Bake Ferrero Rocher Dessert Cups Recipe

Step 3:
Heat 6 and 3/4 tablespoons of whipping cream in a heat-resistant bowl. Cut the milk chocolate into small pieces and add to whipping cream. Mix until the chocolate is melted. Put the mixture into a piping bag and squeeze it into the cups for the third layer. Refrigerate them for 30 minutes to set the ganache.

Step 4:
Chop the hazelnuts and fry on medium heat for about 5 minutes. Continuously mix to avoid burning. Let it cool down before adding it to the cups

No-Bake Ferrero Rocher Dessert Cups Dessert

Step 5:
For the fifth layer, combine all ingredients in a bowl and whisk until stiff peaks. Transfer the mixture into a piping bag and squeeze it into the cups.

Step 6:
Decorate with the reserved biscuits and top each cup with a piece of Ferrero Rocher. Serve and enjoy!



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