Natillas Caseras

PREPARATION of homemade custard
We beat the eggs and yolks with the sugar and the cornstarch and add 1/2 liter of cold milk, mixing well (do it in the blender if you want).

Heat the remaining milk with the lemon, vanilla, and cinnamon, and when it is warm, add the yolk preparation and stir until it thickens, but without boiling.

We remove the cinnamon stick and the lemon rind. Let cool and serve sprinkled with cinnamon and decorated with a biscuit.

homemade custard
It is prepared with the same ingredients as the previous recipe. Put all the ingredients in the mixing bowl and mix well for one minute at speed 7. Then program 9 min at speed 3 and at 90º. They will be ready and you can put in the service molds.

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