I came back to discover a large yellow suitcase at my front door with a note attached – Opening it made my face turn white

“About a month,” Claire said softly. “I couldn’t believe it at first. I thought you should know before it went any further.”

Just as I was trying to process Claire’s revelation, my phone rang again. This time, it was my fiancé. I didn’t answer, but he left a voicemail.

“Jenny, it’s me. I just found out Claire knows about us. I’m worried about what she might do. Please, stay put until I get back. We need to talk.”

Feeling a mix of anger and betrayal, I decided to confront him. When my fiancé walked through the door, his eyes immediately fell on the dining table. There, spread out, were the contents of the yellow suitcase: photographs, letters, and mementos.



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