How to Eliminate the Smell of Urine in the Bathroom

  1. Place the citrus peels (choose one or mix several) inside the glass container.
  2. Add the tablespoon of cinnamon and cloves on top of the citrus peels.
  3. Mix everything together and cover with the piece of fabric.
  4. Secure the fabric with an elastic band, string, or thread around the lid.
  5. Decorate the container if desired and place it in your bathroom.

Leave the container in the room for a week or two. You can change the contents regularly or repeat the process to maintain a natural and pleasant aroma in your bathroom.

Other Methods to Keep Your Bathroom Smelling Fresh

In addition to the homemade deodorizer, here are some other tips to get rid of bad smells in your bathroom:
1. Ventilation: Keep your bathroom well-ventilated to eliminate unpleasant odors. Open a window or use a fan to ensure good air circulation. Leaving the door open when not in use also helps promote air flow.



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