Fraisier Cake Recipe

1. Prepare the Freezer and Mold
Place the 30×40 cm (12×16 inch) mold in the freezer to chill. A cold mold helps the layers set evenly.
2. Make the Almond Biscuit
Preheat your oven to 190°C (374°F).
Whip the egg yolks and egg with powdered sugar until thick and pale. Gently fold in almond flour and regular flour.
In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites with sugar until stiff peaks form. Gently fold this into the yolk mixture.
Spread the batter evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, about 0.5 mm (0.2 inches) thick.
Bake until golden brown. Cool on parchment paper, then transfer to the freezer in the mold.
3. Prepare the Strawberry Layer
Boil the water and sugar in a saucepan until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and mix in the strawberry puree. Let it cool.
Brush the syrup over the frozen biscuit. Return to the freezer.
4. Make the Strawberry-Raspberry Layer
Combine raspberry and strawberry purees with sugar and pectin in a saucepan. Heat and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring. Let it cool completely.
Spread this layer over the frozen biscuit and return to the freezer.
5. Prepare the Chocolate Crème
Soak the agar in cold water. Boil the milk, then stir in chopped white chocolate until melted. Add soaked agar and mix well.
Blend to emulsify without incorporating air. Let it cool.
Whip cold cream to soft peaks and fold into the chocolate mixture. Reserve a couple of tablespoons of crème.
6. Assemble the Cake
Cut the biscuit into 4 cm (1.6 inch) strips. If necessary, freeze to make handling easier.
Line a baking sheet or cutting board with plastic wrap. Roll the first biscuit strip into a spiral. Wrap the next strip around it, sealing seams with reserved crème. Continue until all strips form a spiral.
Press layers firmly together and freeze until solid (preferably overnight).
7. Serving
Transfer the cake to a serving platter. Decorate with fresh strawberries and refrigerate until ready to serve.
Enjoy your Fraisier Cake as a show-stopping dessert for special occasions or a delightful treat with your favorite coffee! 🍓🎂



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