Favorite dough for pies. After pressing, they do not turn into a “sticky pancake” and the filling does not leak out

Hello everyone! Today, I’m excited to share with you a recipe for delicious apple pies made from yeast dough. These pies can be filled with any fruit, but I’ve chosen apples for this recipe

Let’s start with the filling. Peel and

In a pan, combine the chopped apples with two tablespoons of sugar and a splash of lemon juice for flavor. Simmer the mixture until the apples are soft. Once cooked, transfer the filling to a separate bowl to cool while we prepare the dough.

If your apples are already soft, there’s no need to stew

In a mixing bowl, for 160 ml of warm milk (around 35 degrees Celsius), and add 80 g of sugar along with 4 g of dry yeast or 12 g of fresh yeast. Mix well, cover the bowl, and let the yeast activate for

After the yeast is activated, add an egg, 60 g of melted butter, vanilla sugar, and salt to the bowl. Mix everything thoroughly, then gradually add the whipped flour. You’ll need approximately 400-420 g of

You can knead the dough by hand or use a mixer. Once the dough forms into a lump, knead it for another 5 minutes until it becomes soft, elastic, and no longer sticks to your h

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