Easy 3 Ingredient Drain Refresher

When you have kids and pets in your home, most of the time you are skeptical about using just any commercial chemical acquired from the stores. This is pretty much understandable because you should be careful about the type of chemicals you use in your home. Of course, they should be child-friendly in as much as they are environment-friendly, and this one that I will be sharing with you is not an exception.

In addition to some do-it-yourself solutions, like the one I am telling you about, that you can make at home, using ingredients such as vinegar and baking soda, there are some ready-made, earth-friendly, and safe products you can get from your nearby store. If you are not a DIY projects lover or do not have time for them, you can resort to using them. There is no problem with that if your budget allows you the luxury. But if you are on a budget and looking for something that suits your budget, then I recommend this idea to you. It will save you a lot of time involved in going to the store and money.

For me the reason why this drain refresher is so good it’s because it uses a combination of vinegar, baking powder, and salt, which are not toxic and harmful chemicals, unlike their conventional counterparts. This makes me not feel like I am treading on chemicals instead of my drains. The vinegar helps deep clean the drain while the baking powder gets rid of pretty much all the nasty smells. The salt? Well, it’s like a scrubbing session for your drain leaving it clean and free of food residue. These “green” drain refreshers will leave you with fresh-smelling, clean house spaces that will make any sour smell seem like a distant memory.


I don’t advise making a big batch and save it for later because this DIY drain cleaner works best when it’s made fresh, but honestly, it takes something like 2 and a half minutes to whip from scratch, so if in case you need some you can whip it within no time. To have it still as effective and efficient as you want it to be, then make an amount that is only enough for that single purpose, instead of making one too many that will force you to discard because it will be as good as useless if kept for the next use. There is no need to make more for storage.

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