Creamy Cookie Custard Dessert

Crush the Cookies: Place the cookies in a food processor and pulse until they are finely crushed. You can also place the cookies in a plastic bag and crush them with a rolling pin. The cookie crumbs will form the base and topping of the dessert.
Set Aside: Divide the crushed cookies into two parts: one for the base and one for the topping.
Step 2: Make the Custard

Combine Ingredients: In a medium saucepan, whisk together the eggs, 50g of cornstarch, and 2 tablespoons of condensed milk until smooth. Slowly add 600 ml of milk, whisking constantly to prevent any lumps.
Cook the Custard: Place the saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly. Continue cooking until the mixture thickens and becomes a smooth custard, which should take about 8-10 minutes. Remove the custard from the heat.
Add Butter: Once the custard is off the heat, stir in the butter and mix until completely melted and incorporated.
Sweeten Further: Add the additional 50 ml of condensed milk for extra sweetness and creaminess, stirring to combine.
Step 3: Assemble the Dessert

Layer the Dessert: Take a serving dish or dessert glasses and start by adding a layer of crushed cookies at the bottom. Press the cookies down gently to form a base. Pour a layer of the warm custard over the cookie base, spreading it evenly.
Alternate Layers: Continue layering the cookies and custard, finishing with a layer of cookie crumbs on top. You should have at least two layers of each, but feel free to create more layers depending on the size of your dish.
Chill the Dessert: Place the assembled dessert in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours or until fully set. Chilling allows the custard to firm up and the flavors to meld together.
Step 4: Serve

Serve Chilled: Once the dessert is set, it’s ready to serve. You can garnish with additional cookie crumbs or a drizzle of condensed milk for extra sweetness.
Cooking Tips:

Choose the Right Cookies: For the best results, use cookies that will absorb some of the custard but still retain some texture. Digestive biscuits or graham crackers are excellent choices.
Add Flavors: You can add a splash of vanilla extract or a hint of cinnamon to the custard for extra depth of flavor.



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