Coconut Ice

Add the condensed milk to a large bowl and sieve the icing sugar in. Stir until evenly combined. Stir in the desiccated coconut until combined. (Note: Your mixture will be quite thick!)

If you’re adding food colouring – divide the mixture in to two bowls. Add a the food colouring to one half a little at a time until the desired colour is reached.
Spoon the mixture in to the prepared tin, press down firmly to compact it, and then smooth out the top. (If you’ve added food colouring add one half in first, compress and smooth out, then top with the other half, compress and smooth out). Refrigerate for 3+ hours, or until firm. Slice in to small squares or in to bars, and enjoy!


– Coconut Ice keeps for up to 1 week stored in a refrigerated airtight container.



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