Strawberry Trifle and Dessert Buffet

Trifle is the gringo name for the candy we call ‘Pavê’. This one I did to compose the lunch dessert buffet offered today by my mother. My mother wanted to take advantage of the Independence holiday to gather her children, grandchildren, and other family members around her table (and her pool, since our days have been dry and sunny). And the dessert was up to me, to “vary”, lol. The only novelty I introduced was the trifle. The other two dishes were Japanese cheesecake, the recipe for which was given here. And the delicious surprise roll, which was published here. The good thing about the trifle is that we can put whatever we want on it, biscuits (usually the Champagne type), cake, fruit, creams, escambáu, lol. I will outline how this was done, but each one feels free to compose himself the way he pleases. If you intend to do this, make a note of the ingredients of each layer, to raise your shopping list, as only fresh cream will enter more than half a liter.

Strawberry Trifle Ingredients:

1 Nega Maluca cake (recipe here)
The icing cream below
The Brigadier below
2 boxes of clean strawberries
3 cups Chantilly cream
3/4 cup (tea) of water to wet the cake
Icing Cream (for this recipe)
1 can of condensed milk
The condensed milk can (measure the milk in the condensed milk can, lol)
3 gems
3 tablespoons cornstarch
6 drops of vanilla extract
3/4 cup (tea) of fresh cream

Preparation :

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